In our fast-paced digital world, relationships matter. LinkedIn is the best place to build those relationships with your target audience and make your name in your industry.
Let’s face it, your customers are being inundated with marketing slogans and ads from all sides. The only way you can set your small business apart is to think differently.
There’s a reason why 98% of content marketers are turning to LinkedIn for marketing and lead generation.
It’s simple. It works.
Many of the users on LinkedIn are decision-makers and leaders within their organizations. A study in 2020 showed that 90 million LinkedIn users are senior-level managers and 63 million have decision-making authority. This means that your lead generation efforts are far more likely to succeed.
Bottom line, if you’re not creating content on LinkedIn yet, you should be.
If you want to create great LinkedIn content, connect with your audience, and convert them into paying customers, you need an effective content strategy. A content strategy is not just about the what; it’s also about the why. It’s easy to sit down and write up a schedule for posting and a list of topics you want to cover. However, if you don’t understand the big picture of why you are creating content, you’re not going to succeed.
An intentional, LinkedIn content strategy provides the why. As an entrepreneur, your goal is to create content that enables you to connect with your audience on a deeper level than just soundbites. You need to know what your customers need and what their pain points are. You need to be able to describe them accurately in a way that’s relatable and relevant. Finally, you need to be able to explain how your company and brand can help them. If you can do these three things right, you will be far more likely to succeed on LinkedIn.
A content creation system that allows you to stay consistent when it comes to your tone, style, and scheduling. Staying consistent when posting on social media is a common struggle for content professionals and amateurs alike. However, if you fail to post consistently, your audience won’t know when to expect new content and will be drawn away by new content from other creators. This is yet one more reason why you need to have a strategic and intentional content strategy set up before you start creating content on LinkedIn.
The end goal of any marketing strategy is to convert leads into sales. As a business, your goal on LinkedIn is to turn prospects into raving fans and loyal fans into customers. One of the reasons why LinkedIn can be such a successful marketing channel is because LinkedIn has the highest quality audience. This means that your content can get a far higher ROI.
What is a high-quality audience? These audiences are more likely to be interested in what you have to say and have the money and/or decision-making power to act on your message. They are more likely to engage with and share your content. Even better, take action in reaching out to learn more about your service offerings. A low-quality audience, by contrast, is made up of viewers who are not in your industry or are not in a position to become a customer of your business. Paying for content to reach a low-quality audience is a waste of both time and money. Fortunately, LinkedIn has one of the highest-quality audiences of any social media platform.
When you create content for LinkedIn, you are tapping into the world’s largest professional audience of over 65 million business professionals. 4 out of every 5 LinkedIn members are leaders driving business decisions. 44% of all LinkedIn users take home more than $75,000 per year.
These statistics show that LinkedIn offers tremendous opportunities for the average entrepreneur looking to start or grow a new business.
Unlike other platforms with character and length limitations, LinkedIn enables you to share longer-form content. You can use these longer articles to demonstrate thought leadership in your industry. Thought-leadership content is all about getting into specific details and showing that you fully understand the day-to-day challenges that your customers face. This kind of content is also an excellent opportunity to establish your reputation as a subject matter expert in the space by presenting as a solution oriented fashion. B2B buyers highly prefer thought leadership content, and research has shown that many of them are willing to pay more to brands that publish their own user-generated content.The importance of thought leadership was confirmed in a 2021 LinkedIn study which showed that 65% of industry professionals felt that a piece of thought leadership significantly changed their perception of a company for the better and 64% responded that thought leadership content increases their trust in the company.
Originality is essential when creating content for LinkedIn. Try to avoid re-using content and arguments that have appeared in a variety of other places. Instead, find your own voice. You have experiences and a unique perspective. Don’t be afraid to share what you really think. Don’t worry about people who disagree with you. Make your point.
Posting original content, like blog articles or photos from research conferences you’ve attended, is a great way to show that you’re actively engaged in your field and striving to grow.
Asking questions can be a great way to start new conversations and connect with other professionals in your industry. Learning information from others assists you in building relationships and establishing yourself as an industry leader.
Always have the needs and pain points of your audience in mind when creating your content. For your posts to be valuable to your business, they must also be valuable to your audience. Offering helpful advice on topics related to your industry will help you to demonstrate that you’re knowledgeable. Over time, you can set yourself up as the main subject matter expert and a major source of quality information. This builds trust with your audience.
Engaging with influencers in your industry can also be an effective way to get noticed by more people, as well as learn from those who have already established themselves as thought leaders in your field. Research shows that 37% of consumers trust social media influencers over brands. Influencers in your industry have already built relationships and trust with the same kind of people who would be interested in your products and services. By collaborating with them, you can expand your reach and establish your credibility.
Participating in discussions related to your industry can help you stay up-to-date on trends, while also showing others that you’re willing to share their thoughts and opinions on key matters related to your niche.
The benefits of creating content on LinkedIn are clear. However, before you start, you need to make sure that you have built an effective personal brand. If you attempt to jump straight into content creation without having thought out your brand, all the attention you bring to your LinkedIn profile will go to waste. Start by creating a profile that accurately reflects who you are and what you do. Include a professional headshot, an engaging summary of your experience and accomplishments, as well as any relevant skills or certifications. Also, focus on joining groups related to your field of expertise and actively participating in discussions. Share content that adds value to the conversation or that showcases your personal knowledge of your field.
Ready to create a follow-worthy LinkedIn profile that wins you eyeballs, trust, and clients? Join us: Insiders Suite Experience™ and let’s create a LinkedIn Business Profile that you are absolutely proud of.
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There are many huge advantages to posting on LinkedIn in 2024. From demonstrating thought leadership to getting access to a high-quality audience of millions of decision-makers, LinkedIn represents one of the most under-utilized social media marketing channels today. By creating strategic, intentional content that defines your personal brand and helps viewers solve their problems, you can earn the trust of your target audience. For many entrepreneurs, LinkedIn can be the bridge to forging strong relationships with a loyal community of customers quickly. Twitter and other social media platforms are popular, but not with your target audience. Stop wasting your time trying to meet the 280 character limit and start focusing your efforts on a platform that will reward.
Posting on LinkedIn can be a great way for you to build your brand and cultivate relationships with your audience as an entrepreneur. People buy from people! Quality content helps to establish yourself as an expert in your field and build credibility with your potential clients. It also allows you to stay up-to-date with industry trends and stand out from the competition. But before creating content, the first step is to optimize your LinkedIn profile.
The Insiders Scoop is your weekly download of all things business and magnetic content marketing, from exclusive LinkedIn insider Tips by Salina to incredible guest contributors.